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Body Counts vs. Experience
Which one means the most, body count or experience? Body Count? Body count is another way to say the amount of people you have had sex with. Some people have very few (can count on one hand), and others who might fill up a notebook with names, or not even be able to...
Why is it such a big deal to be able to say that someone took another's virginity? What is a virgin? This question has many different answers based on the point of view. You can look at the term in some of these terms: Physical Medical Religious Spiritual Emotional...
Confusion, Desire, and Disappointment.
There is nothing more irritating than being told one thing, then show progress, then go back on it all. Desire When lady and I started dating she expressed interest in women. At first it was just a statement that I've heard from many ex's. Normally upon mentioning it...
Confessions from the wolf.
Golden's view of loved. I have 'loved', "loved", & loved Is there a difference? If so what's the difference? Aren't they all love? The answer is yes and fucking NO. Yes because they are the same word. No because the way it is used is solely based on the context....
Hypnotized By Daddy
Siren misses the days that she was hypnotized and used by her Daddy.