What is love?
Love has many different definitions. If you look at the dictionary meaning of the word love, it’s used as both a noun and a verb. The use of this word is used in numerous aspects everything from terms of endearment, relationships (platonic and non-platonic), and a way of describing your like for an item, person, or place. It is widely used for nicknames as well. With the word being able to be used in such a universal manner it begs to question, what does it really mean?
Love language
How can you accurately define love? Is it an action, a feeling, or a combination of both? These are questions that really difficult to define as everyone has a different way of showing and expressing their love language. Some people express their love with actions such as emotional, physical, monetary, and supportive. However, are these languages universal or are they an unknown variable for each person? Are people able to show their love language in multiple ways? That is a highly arguable subject. Some people would say yes, but they may only be referring to themselves as they don’t know everyone’s love language in the world.
Some scientific explanations that have been given throughout the decades essentially state that the feeling of “love” is a chemical reaction within the human brain, which releases a wide variety of chemicals into your body. These chemicals give you feelings of happiness, desire, comfort, and quite a few other emotional and physical reactions. This can also be referred to by many as signs of infatuation, lust, “love at first sight”, or stupidity.
Love or Lust
The definition of love vs lust is a really unique topic, as religious groups refer to lust as a desire for the flesh which should be avoided until marriage. While very religious people live and die for a lack of a better way to put it, others do not share the same views. However, it can also be seen as both can exist at the same time. You can love someone and also lust for them. Is it even possible to truly discern between the two? This can be argued until the end of time and never really get a definitive answer.
Is love good or bad?
This is another tough question to answer as again there are many different views, opinions, and stigmas about what love can and can’t be. Do these disputes come from such a broad spectrum that anyone truly has the answer? If you look at political views, they have been trying to condemn and write legislation against what many others in the world to be considered love. The term “love is love” has been a powerful statement against people who are afraid to allow people to be happy, or are fearful of their own sexuality. Love is an amazing feeling when you truly find that person who fulfills all your needs without question. Unfortunately, even the religious aspects of society condemn love when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community. They call their form of love an abomination to God and even quote scriptures pointing out (specifically men at first) that homosexuality is a sin. The first few verses of these so-called guidelines on how to be a good religious person only mention acts between men but not women (obviously these passages were written by a man/men). However, in later passages, it makes very vague mention of women being in love and a couple.
In the end, love is a great thing to have in your life, no matter what some insecure prick tries to say or do to eliminate that from the world. It’s still going to be there, just like alcohol was still around during the prohibition era. Just because you say that something can’t be that doesn’t mean that it won’t be that way anymore. It just means that you are a bigoted ignorant fuck. Plain and simple.
When does love go bad?
Love can go bad in many ways. There are a few ways that top the list being incompatible from the start, cheating, just walking away, substance abuse, verbal abuse, and physical abuse. All of these are just examples of how relationships of any type (dating, friends, casual partners, flings, affairs) can fail and cause a wide variety of issues to occur. There are so many stories out in the world where people have left their relationship(s) for many reasons. In fact, the ratios on marriage/divorce rates are quite high. 35-50% of all first marriages end in divorce. 60% for second marriages and 70+% for third marriages. These facts are quite disturbing. What is the highest percentage of reasons for these relationships ending? The answer is a lack of commitment to the marriage. Oddly abuses are only 25% of the reasons.
How much love is too much?
The answer to this varies from person to person. As mentioned in the article Our Energy the section relating to energy vampires also applies to this topic. Some people give love more than they receive and end up being burned by the lack of reciprocation of these emotions and feelings. Sometimes these levels of non-returned emotions make people feel that they don’t matter or matter enough to be good enough. If the person truly cares, they will return to the same level if not more when it comes down to the same amount of affection, attention, and other aspects of a healthy relationship.
From the Wolf
In my years I have had many relationships. Not all of them were traditional relationships. I have had one-night stands, friends with benefits, semi-traditional relationships, and “normal” relationships, and am currently married. My very first long-term relationship was 5 years, we broke up because we lived together (long back story) and started to always fight for no reason. My next longest relationship was 3 years, and it ended because she wouldn’t talk to me about what was going on, nor would she say anything other than “it’s/I’m fine” while I knew it wasn’t. My current relationship trumps the others by the fact that we met in 2006, started dating in 2013, then got married in 2016. These examples give examples of not only how / why relationships go bad, but also that you can’t just pick someone and make things work. It was a lot of trial and error on my part.